
e-Clubhouse Editing Toolbar - Blockquote Tool

When you click on the Blockquote button, the selected paragraphs are set to the Blockquote style.  The entire paragraph is indented on the left and right margins.

Paragraph Indent style:  So instead of showing a paragraph that is simply indented, or indented multiple times and levels, the Blockquote style indents both the left and right margins for multiple levels as shown in these examples. 

Paragraph Blockquote style:  So instead of showing a paragraph that is simply indented, or indented multiple times and levels, the Blockquote style indents both the left and right margins for multiple levels as shown in these examples. 

Paragraph Double Blockquote style:  So instead of showing a paragraph that is simply indented, or indented multiple times and levels, the Blockquote style indents both the left and right margins for multiple levels as shown in these examples.